Load by SQL
The ‘Load Data’ statement puts the data in the csv file into Machbase.
First, create a table to store the data, using the first line of the csv file to create the columns.
- The data type of the generated columns is VARCHAR (32768).
- The data file path is a relative path based on $MACHBASE_HOME. It can also be set to an absolute path.
To save the table data as csv file, use the SAVE DATA statement.
If you already know the data type for each field in the csv file, you can create the table in advance and enter the data.
If you enter the file ’load_sample.csv’ into the LOAD DATA statement, the table ’load_sample’ is automatically created.
Loading Data
LOAD DATA INFILE 'sample/quickstart/load_sample.csv' INTO TABLE load_sample AUTO HEADUSE;
Confirm Data Loading
SELECT * FROM load_sample;
Sample Example
Using the sample file, you can do the following.
[mach@localhost ~]$ cd $MACHBASE_HOME/sample/quickstart
[mach@localhost ~]$ ls -l load_sample.csv
--r--- 1 root root 2827 2017-02-23 15:01 load_sample.csv
[mach@localhost ~]$ machsql
Machbase Client Query Utility
Release Version x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, Machbase Inc. or its subsidiaries.
All Rights Reserved
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Mach> LOAD DATA INFILE 'sample/quickstart/load_sample.csv' INTO TABLE load_sample AUTO HEADUSE;
50 row(s) loaded. Failed to load 0 row(s).
Mach> DESC load_sample;
SENSOR_ID varchar 32767
EPOCH_TIME varchar 32767
E_YEAR varchar 32767
E_MONTH varchar 32767
E_DAY varchar 32767
E_HOUR varchar 32767
E_MINUTE varchar 32767
E_SECOND varchar 32767
VALUE varchar 32767
Mach> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM load_sample;
[1] row(s) selected.
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