

Data Type Table

Type NameDescriptionValue RangeNULL Value
short16-bit signed integer data type-32767 ~ 32767-32768
ushort16-bit unsigned integer type data type0 ~ 6553465535
integer32-bit signed integer data type-2147483647 ~ 2147483647-2147483648
uinteger32-bit unsigned integer data type0 ~ 42949672944294967295
long64-bit signed integer data type-9223372036854775807 ~ 9223372036854775807-9223372036854775808
ulong64-bit unsigned integer data type0~1844674407370955161418446744073709551615
float32-bit floating point data type--
double64-bit floating point data type--
datetimeTime and date1970-01-01 00:00:00 000:000:000 ~ 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854:775:807-
varcharVariable-length character strings (UTF-8)Length : 1 ~ 32768 (32K)-
ipv4Version 4 Internet address type (4 bytes)“” ~ “”-
ipv6Version 6 Internet address type (16 bytes)“0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000” ~ “FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF”-
textText data type (keyword index can be generated)Length : 0 ~ 64M-
binaryBinary data type (index creation not possible)Length: 0 ~ 64M-
jsonjson data typejson data length : 1 ~ 32768 (32K)

json path length : 1 ~ 512


This is the same as the 16-bit signed integer data of the C language. For the minimum negative value, it is recognized as NULL. May be displayed as “int16”.


This is the same as 32-bit signed integer data in C language. For the minimum negative value, it is recognized as NULL. May be displayed as “int32” or “int”.


This is the same as 64-bit signed integer data in C language. For the minimum negative value, it is recognized as NULL. May be displayed as “int64”.


This is equivalent to the C 32-bit floating-point data type float. For a positive maximum value, it is recognized as NULL.


This is equivalent to the 64-bit floating-point data type double of C language. For a positive maximum value, it is recognized as NULL.


In Machbase, this type maintains the nano value of the time elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970.

Thus, Machbase provides the ability to process values ​​up to nano units for all datetime type related functions.


This is a variable string data type and can be generated up to 32K bytes in length.

This length criterion is based on one character in English, so it is different from the actual number of characters to be output in UTF-8 and should be set to an appropriate length.


This type is a type that can store addresses used in Internet Protocol version 4.

It is internally represented using 4 bytes, and can be expressed from “” to “”.


This type is a type that can store addresses used in Internet Protocol version 6.

16 bytes are internally represented and can be expressed from “0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000” to “FFFF: FFFF: FFFF: FFFF: FFFF: FFFF: FFFF: FFFF” . Since the abbreviation type is also supported when inputting data, it can be expressed as follows using the symbol :.

  • “:: FFFF: 1232”: all leading with zeros
  • “:: FFFF:”: Support for IPv4 type compatibility
  • “::”: Support for deprecated IPv4 type compatibility


This type is a data type for storing text or documents beyond the size of a VARCHAR.

This data type can be searched through keyword indexes and can store up to 64 megabytes of text. This type is mainly used to store and retrieve large text files as separate columns.


This type is a supported type for storing unstructured data in columns.

It is used to store binary data such as image, video, or audio. Indexes can not be created for this type. The maximum data size for storing is up to 64 megabytes, the same as the TEXT type.


This type is a data type for storing json data.

Json is a format to store data object, consisting of “Key-Value” pairs, into text format.

The maximum size of data is 32K bytes which is same as varchar type.

SQL Datatype Table

The following table shows the SQL data types and C data types corresponding to the mark base data types.

Machbase DatatypeMachbase CLI DatatypeSQL DatatypeC DatatypeBasic types for CDescription
shortSQL_SMALLINTSQL_SMALLINTSQL_C_SSHORTint16_t (short)16-bit signed integer data type
ushortSQL_USMALLINTSQL_SMALLINTSQL_C_USHORTuint16_t (unsigned short)16-bit unsigned integer type data type
integerSQL_INTEGERSQL_INTEGERSQL_C_SLONGint32_t (int)32-bit signed integer data type
uintegerSQL_UINTEGERSQL_INTEGERSQL_C_ULONGuint32_t (unsigned int)32-bit unsigned integer data type
longSQL_BIGINTSQL_BIGINTSQL_C_SBIGINTint64_t (long long)64-bit signed integer data type
ulongSQL_UBIGINTSQL_BIGINTSQL_C_UBIGINTuint64_t (unsigned long long)64-bit unsigned integer data type
floatSQL_FLOATSQL_REALSQL_C_FLOATfloat32-bit floating point data type
doubleSQL_DOUBLESQL_FLOAT, SQL_DOUBLESQL_C_DOUBLEdouble64-bit floating point data type





char * (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)

int64_t (timestamp: nano seconds)
struct tm
Time and date
ipv4SQL_IPV4SQL_VARCHARSQL_C_CHARchar * (enter ip string)

unsigned char[4]
Version 4 Internet address type
ipv6SQL_IPV6SQL_VARCHARSQL_C_CHARchar * (enter ip string)

unsigned char[16]
Version 6 Internet address type
jsonSQL_JSONSQL_JSONSQL_C_CHARjson_tjson data type
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