Machbase Neo supports writing and query data via MQTT protocols.
The real benefit of the MQTT API compared to HTTP is that it utilizes the append
feature of Machbase, which provides robust performance for writing data. Since MQTT is a connection-oriented protocol and maintains a connection throughout the session, clients can repeatedly send messages to write data. Additionally, the MQTT protocol is widely adopted by the majority of IoT devices.
So, using MQTT is the most efficient way for sensors to send their collected data to Machbase Neo.

Write flow
The examples below shows how to efficiently write data with mqtt client (mosquitto_pub
The destination topic should be db/write/
sequenceDiagram CLIENT->> SERVER: CONNECT activate SERVER SERVER -->> CLIENT: CONNACK deactivate SERVER loop CLIENT ->> SERVER: PUBLISH 'db/write/{table_name}' activate SERVER SERVER -->> CLIENT: PUBACK deactivate SERVER end CLIENT->> SERVER: DISCONNECT
Query flow
General-purpose MQTT brokers deliver messages to all subscribers of a topic, as shown in the diagram below. When a publisher sends messages M1
and M2
to the TOPIC
receive the same messages.
flowchart LR PUBLISHER -->|m1,m2| TOPIC TOPIC -->|m1, m2| A(SUBSCRIBER-A) TOPIC -->|m1, m2| B(SUBSCRIBER-B)
Machbase-neo functions similarly to a standard MQTT broker by delivering all messages to subscribers. The exception is the query response message, which is sent only to the client that requested the query. In other words, machbase-neo sends the query result exclusively if the publisher and subscriber share the same connection (or session in MQTT terms). This means that while machbase-neo operates as a message broker, query result messages are not replicated to other subscribers.
For example, while CLIENT-M
subscribed to same TOPIC
and waiting messages.
Server sends messages M1
and M2
that were inscribed to CLIENT-M
Those messages are delivered only to CLIENT-M
receives P1
and P2
that were explicitly designated to it by server. If another client PUBLISHER-X
sends X1
, this X1
will be delivered to server and the other clients will not know about this event.
flowchart LR M -->|m1|Q(db/query) P -->|p1|Q(db/query) R -->|m2|M(CLIENT-M) R -->|p2|P(CLIENT-P) Q -->|m1| SERVER Q -->|p1| SERVER SERVER--> |m2|R(db/reply) SERVER--> |p2|R
Application needs a preparing step to query machbase-neo via MQTT which is subscribing to db/reply
In the diagram below we shows general procedure assuming CLIENT
uses QoS 1.
for the notes, machbase-neo support QoS 0, 1 of MQTT v3.1.1 specification.
After established MQTT session by exchanging CONNECT
, Client should subscribe to db/reply
first before send query message to db/query
, otherwise it can not receive any “query result”.
sequenceDiagram CLIENT->> SERVER: CONNECT activate SERVER SERVER -->> CLIENT: CONNACK deactivate SERVER CLIENT ->> SERVER: SUBSCRIBE 'db/reply' activate SERVER SERVER -->> CLIENT: SUBACK deactivate SERVER loop async CLIENT ->> SERVER: PUBLISH 'db/query' activate SERVER SERVER -->> CLIENT: PUBACK deactivate SERVER SERVER ->> CLIENT: PUBLISH 'db/reply' activate CLIENT CLIENT -->> SERVER: PUBACK deactivate CLIENT end CLIENT->> SERVER: DISCONNECT
The messages ➍, ➎ are sent by server asynchronous way which is nature of MQTT protocol. Then a client application shouldn’t be implemented based specific order of those two messages.
for writing data, it is not necessary to subscribe db/reply
. This topic is required only for receiving query result.