Bridge and Subscriber

Bridge and Subscriber


Register a bridge

register sqlite connection

bridge add -t sqlite sqlitedb file:/data/sqlite.db;

List registered bridges

bridge list
│ NAME     │ TYPE   │ CONNECTION             │
│ sqlitedb │ sqlite │ file:/data/sqlite.db   │

Execute commands on the bridge

bridge exec sqlitedb CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS example(id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age TEXT, address TEXT, UNIQUE(name));

Query command on the bridge

bridge query command is only works with “SQL” type bridges

bridge query sqlitedb select * from example;

│ ID │ NAME   │ AGE │ ADDRESS       │
│  1 │ hong_1 │ 20  │ address for 1 │
│  2 │ hong_2 │ 20  │ address for 2 │
│  3 │ hong_3 │ 20  │ address for 3 │

Utilize a bridge in tql with SQL()

SQL() takes bridge() option with “SQL” type bridge and execute the given SQL statement.

SQL(bridge("sqlitedb"), `select * from example`)

Utilize a bridge in tql SCRIPT()

You can access database-type bridges from SCRIPT() using $.db({bridge:"name"}), as shown in the example below.

Support for accessing bridged databases in JavaScript using $.db({bridge:"name"}) has been available since version 8.0.27.

SCRIPT("js", {
    err = $.db({bridge:"mem"})
     .query("select company, employee, created_on from mem_example")
     .forEach( function(fields){
        $.yield(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]);
    if (err !== undefined) {
        console.error("result", ret);

Copy data to other database

This example demonstrates how to copy data from Machbase to an SQLite bridge.


Define a sqlite bridge with the following details:

  • Type: SQLite
  • Connection string: file:///tmp/sqlite.db


Create the example table in the SQLite database located at “/tmp/sqlite.db”.

--env: bridge=sqlite
-- env: reset


The TQL script below executes a SELECT statement using the SQL() function to retrieve the required data, and then writes the data into the SQLite database using the INSERT() function with bridge("sqlite") as the first argument.

SQL(`select name, time, value from example where name = 'my-car'`)
INSERT(bridge("sqlite"), "name", "time", "value", table("example"))


The purpose of a subscriber is connecting to an external message broker system, receiving streaming messages, ingesting messages by tql script.

Currently machbase-neo supports connecting to the external MQTT brokers, and it will support also NATS and Kafka with the future releases.

A simple use case is that make a bridge to the external MQTT broker, and define a subscriber with

  1. the bridge, 2) a topic of the MQTT broker and 3) tql script path. Then machbase-neo works as MQTT client and whenever it receives messages, it passes them to the specified tql script.
flowchart RL
    external-system --PUBLISH--> machbase-neo
    machbase-neo --SUBSCRIBE--> external-system
    subgraph machbase-neo
        direction RL
        bridge --> subscriber
                    TQL"] --Write--> machbase
    subgraph external-system
        direction RL
        client["Client"] --PUBLISH--> mqtt[["MQTT

Register a subscriber

Register subscribers.

Syntax: subscriber add [options] <name> <bridge> <topic> <tql-path>

  • options

    • --autostart makes the subscriber will start automatically when machbase-neo starts. If the subscriber is not autostart mode, you can make it start and stop manually by subscriber start <name> and subscriber stop <name> commands.
    • --qos <int> if the bridge is MQTT type, it specifies the QoS level of the subscription to the topic. It supports 0, 1 and the default is 0 if it is not specified.
    • --queue <string> if the bridge is NATS type, it specifies the Queue Group.
  • <name> subscriber’s name

  • <bridge> specify pre-defined bridge, it should be a type of the broker

  • <topic> topic to subscribe

  • <tql-path> the tql script that handles the received message

Subscriber Status

Syntax: subscriber list

  • STOP

Subscriber Start/Stop

Syntax: subscriber [start | stop] <name>

Remove subscriber

Syntax: subscriber del <name>

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