API Security
Generates Key & Token
Web UI
Select the
menu icon from the left most side.
And Click
iconfrom the top left pane.
Set “Client Id” for unique name and set the valid period (default is 3 years from today). Then click “Generate” to generates key files for the client.

- Click “Download *.zip” button or copy & paste each file’s content. This is not re-generatable and only chance to make a copy.
Shell Command
The subcommand machbase-neo shell key
manages client keys and tokens.
List registered client authentication keys and tokens
machbase-neo shell key list
List all pre-registered client-id and validation periods.
$ machbase-neo shell key list
│ 1 │ myid2 │ 2023-02-05 01:55:18 +0000 UTC │ 2033-02-02 01:55:18 +0000 UTC │
│ 2 │ myid3 │ 2023-02-05 01:56:36 +0000 UTC │ 2033-02-02 01:56:36 +0000 UTC │
Delete an existing client authentication key and token
machbase-neo shell key del <client-id>
$ machbase-neo shell key del myid2
Register new client authentication keys and tokens
machbase-neo shell key gen
subcommand generates new key pair and token for the given client-id.
It writes keys and token into the file that you specify by --output
machbase-neo shell key gen <client-id> --output <output_file>
Generate and register new key for the client-id myapp01
. It stores the generated key and token to the *_cert.pem
, *_key.pem
and *_token
$ machbase-neo shell key gen myapp01 --output ./myapp01
Save certificate ./myapp01_cert.pem
Save private key ./myapp01_key.pem
Save token ./myapp01_token
Check the generated files.
$ ls -al ./mayapp01*
-rw-r--r-- 1 eirny staff 782 Feb 20 19:33 ./mayapp01_cert.pem
-rw------- 1 eirny staff 390 Feb 20 19:33 ./mayapp01_key.pem
-rw------- 1 eirny staff 81 Feb 20 19:33 ./mayapp01_token
file is the X.509 certificate for the client which is signed by the server.*_key.pem
file is the private key for the client.*_token
file contains token string for the client.
For the token based authentication, see the content of the *_token
$ cat ./myapp01_token
Server Certificate
To retrieve server’s certificate, execute command machbase-neo key server-key --output <path>
, it export server’s certificate into the file that specified the path.
machbase-neo shell key server-cert --output ./machbase-neo.crt
HTTP Token authentication
HTTP API of machbase-neo supports the token based authentication.
Enable it by specifying --http-enable-token-auth true
command line option or set EnableTokenAuth = true
in the config file.
When you launching server with the option, all HTTP API invocations requires Authorization
header with pre-registered token.
machbase-neo serve --http-enable-token-auth true
The starting log shows HTTP token authentication is enabled.
2023/02/20 20:14:29.878 INFO neo neosvr HTTP token authentication enabled
2023/02/20 20:14:29.878 INFO neo neosvr HTTP Listen tcp://
HTTP Client using token
Let’s use the token for API authentication. Set Authorization
bearer header with the content of token file.
curl --output - \
--data-urlencode "q=select * from EXAMPLE limit 2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer `cat ./http-api-app01_token`"
"data": {
"columns": [ "NAME", "TIME", "VALUE" ],
"types": [ "string", "datetime", "double" ],
"rows": [
[ "wave.sin", 1675851592000000000, 0 ],
[ "wave.cos", 1675851592000000000, 1 ]
"success": true,
"reason": "success",
"elapse": "1.866708ms"
Let’s try without the Authorization
header, or wrong token.
curl --output - \
--data-urlencode "q=select * from EXAMPLE limit 2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer http-api-app01:b:intended-wrong-value"
If client provides an invalid token, the server responses HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
with an error json message below.
{"success":false,"reason":"invalid token"}
MQTT Token authentication
MQTT API of machbase-neo supports the token based authentication.
Enable it by specifying --mqtt-enable-token-auth true
command line option or set EnableTokenAuth = true
in the config file.
When you launching server with this option, MQTT CONNECT message requires client-id
, username
with pre-registered id and token.
machbase-neo serve --mqtt-enable-token-auth true
The starting log shows MQTT token authentication is enabled.
2023/02/21 13:43:11.178 INFO neosvr MQTT token authentication enabled
2023/02/21 13:43:11.180 INFO mqtt-tcp MQTT Listen tcp://
MQTT client using token
Apply registered client-id on client-id
and set token in username
of CONNECT message.
Do not set any value in password
mosquitto_pub -h -p 5653 \
--id mqtt-api-app01 \
--username `cat ./mqtt-api-app01_token` \
-t db/write/EXAMPLE \
-m '[ "wave.pi", `date +%s000000000`, 3.1415]'
If a client doesn’t set client-id
and username
properly, the server rejects the CONNECT messages.
mosquitto_pub -h -p 5653 -t db/write/EXAMPLE \
-m '[ "wave.pi", `date +%s000000000`, 3.1415]'
Connection error: Connection Refused: not authorized.
Error: The connection was refused.
MQTT X.509 authentication
When machbase-neo starts with --mqtt-enable-tls true
command line option or set Tls.Enabled = true
in the configurationfile,
machbase-neo accepts TLS (a.k.a SSL) connections from clients.
If TLS is enabled, it ignores token based authentication and accepts only connection that finished ssl-handshaking successfully
with pre-registered X.509 certificates.
and password
fields of CONNECT message.
Do not specify those values. But still need to set client-id
for the clarity.MQTT client using X.509
A client should use the pre-registered client-id and key and certificate those were generated as the above section.
Apply client-id for the client-id
of CONNECT message and do not set the username
and password
mosquitto_pub -h -p 5653 \
--id myapp01 \
--cert ./myapp01_cert.pem \
--key ./myapp01_key.pem \
--cafile ./machbase-neo.crt --insecure \
-t db/append/EXAMPLE \
-m '[ "wave.pi", `date +%s000000000`, 3.1415]'
that was used for generating key--cert
client’s certifcate file which was generated as*_cert.pem
client’s key file that was generated as*_key.pem
set server’s certificate since the client’s certificate is singed by server. see below to know how to get this file.--insecure
additionally required because server’s certificate is self-signed one.