

Generates Key & Token

Web UI

  1. Select the menu icon from the left most side.

  2. And Click + icon from the top left pane.

  3. Set “Client Id” for unique name and set the valid period (default is 3 years from today). Then click “Generate” to generates key files for the client.

  1. Click “Download *.zip” button or copy & paste each file’s content. This is not re-generatable and only chance to make a copy.

Shell Command

The subcommand machbase-neo shell key manages client keys and tokens.

List registered client authentication keys and tokens

machbase-neo shell key list

List all pre-registered client-id and validation periods.

$ machbase-neo shell key list
│ ROWNUM │ ID                   │ VALID FROM                    │ EXPIRE                        │
│      1 │ myid2                │ 2023-02-05 01:55:18 +0000 UTC │ 2033-02-02 01:55:18 +0000 UTC │
│      2 │ myid3                │ 2023-02-05 01:56:36 +0000 UTC │ 2033-02-02 01:56:36 +0000 UTC │

Delete an existing client authentication key and token

machbase-neo shell key del <client-id>
$ machbase-neo shell key del myid2

Register new client authentication keys and tokens

machbase-neo shell key gen subcommand generates new key pair and token for the given client-id. It writes keys and token into the file that you specify by --output option.

machbase-neo shell key gen <client-id> --output <output_file>

Generate and register new key for the client-id myapp01. It stores the generated key and token to the *_cert.pem, *_key.pem and *_token files.

$ machbase-neo shell key gen myapp01 --output ./myapp01 
Save certificate ./myapp01_cert.pem
Save private key ./myapp01_key.pem
Save token ./myapp01_token

Check the generated files.

$ ls -al ./mayapp01*
-rw-r--r--  1 eirny  staff  782 Feb 20 19:33 ./mayapp01_cert.pem
-rw-------  1 eirny  staff  390 Feb 20 19:33 ./mayapp01_key.pem
-rw-------  1 eirny  staff   81 Feb 20 19:33 ./mayapp01_token
  • *_cert.pem file is the X.509 certificate for the client which is signed by the server.
  • *_key.pem file is the private key for the client.
  • *_token file contains token string for the client.

For the token based authentication, see the content of the *_token file.

$ cat ./myapp01_token 

Server Certificate

To retrieve server’s certificate, execute command machbase-neo key server-key --output <path>, it export server’s certificate into the file that specified the path.

machbase-neo shell key server-cert --output ./machbase-neo.crt

HTTP Token authentication

HTTP API of machbase-neo supports the token based authentication.

Enable it by specifying --http-enable-token-auth true command line option or set EnableTokenAuth = true in the config file. When you launching server with the option, all HTTP API invocations requires Authorization header with pre-registered token.

machbase-neo serve --http-enable-token-auth true

The starting log shows HTTP token authentication is enabled.

2023/02/20 20:14:29.878 INFO  neo neosvr           HTTP token authentication enabled
2023/02/20 20:14:29.878 INFO  neo neosvr           HTTP Listen tcp://

HTTP Client using token

Let’s use the token for API authentication. Set Authorization bearer header with the content of token file.

curl --output - \
    --data-urlencode "q=select * from EXAMPLE limit 2" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer `cat ./http-api-app01_token`"
  "data": {
    "columns": [ "NAME", "TIME", "VALUE" ],
    "types": [ "string", "datetime", "double" ],
    "rows": [
      [ "wave.sin", 1675851592000000000, 0 ],
      [ "wave.cos", 1675851592000000000, 1 ]
  "success": true,
  "reason": "success",
  "elapse": "1.866708ms"

Let’s try without the Authorization header, or wrong token.

curl --output - \
    --data-urlencode "q=select * from EXAMPLE limit 2" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer http-api-app01:b:intended-wrong-value"

If client provides an invalid token, the server responses HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized with an error json message below.

{"success":false,"reason":"invalid token"}

MQTT Token authentication

MQTT API of machbase-neo supports the token based authentication.

Enable it by specifying --mqtt-enable-token-auth true command line option or set EnableTokenAuth = true in the config file. When you launching server with this option, MQTT CONNECT message requires client-id, username with pre-registered id and token.

machbase-neo serve --mqtt-enable-token-auth true

The starting log shows MQTT token authentication is enabled.

2023/02/21 13:43:11.178 INFO  neosvr           MQTT token authentication enabled
2023/02/21 13:43:11.180 INFO  mqtt-tcp         MQTT Listen tcp://

MQTT client using token

Apply registered client-id on client-id and set token in username of CONNECT message. Do not set any value in password.

mosquitto_pub -h -p 5653 \
    --id mqtt-api-app01            \
    --username `cat ./mqtt-api-app01_token` \
    -t db/write/EXAMPLE            \
    -m '[ "wave.pi", `date +%s000000000`, 3.1415]'

If a client doesn’t set client-id and username properly, the server rejects the CONNECT messages.

mosquitto_pub -h -p 5653 -t db/write/EXAMPLE \
    -m '[ "wave.pi", `date +%s000000000`, 3.1415]'

Connection error: Connection Refused: not authorized.
Error: The connection was refused.

MQTT X.509 authentication

When machbase-neo starts with --mqtt-enable-tls true command line option or set Tls.Enabled = true in the configurationfile, machbase-neo accepts TLS (a.k.a SSL) connections from clients. If TLS is enabled, it ignores token based authentication and accepts only connection that finished ssl-handshaking successfully with pre-registered X.509 certificates.

When TLS option is applied, machbase-neo mqtt server ignores username and password fields of CONNECT message. Do not specify those values. But still need to set client-id for the clarity.

MQTT client using X.509

A client should use the pre-registered client-id and key and certificate those were generated as the above section. Apply client-id for the client-id of CONNECT message and do not set the username and password.

mosquitto_pub -h -p 5653 \
    --id myapp01            \
    --cert ./myapp01_cert.pem \
    --key ./myapp01_key.pem   \
    --cafile ./machbase-neo.crt --insecure \
    -t db/append/EXAMPLE            \
    -m '[ "wave.pi", `date +%s000000000`, 3.1415]'
  • --id apply client-id that was used for generating key
  • --cert client’s certifcate file which was generated as *_cert.pem
  • --key client’s key file that was generated as *_key.pem
  • --cafile set server’s certificate since the client’s certificate is singed by server. see below to know how to get this file.
  • --insecure additionally required because server’s certificate is self-signed one.
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